Nolle-P Sign 🚸
You might know your name, but the other nollan definetly do not. That's why you are required to make and wear a Nolle-P sign. This is done in every program at LiU, each nollan wear it during nollan-P. Your sign is to be handled with care at all times. This sign should be worn 24/7, on and off campus. If you are found not wearing your sign, unpleastent punishments await you. Faddrar are always watching you!
Don't worry though, we know you're already quite confused which is why we made this detailed discription of everything your sign should include:
Safety: You must ensure that your nolle-sign is waterproof and fireproof for 5 seconds.
Shape: Take a green material of your choice, and make it into a hexagon (sixsided), with each side measuring 12.5 cm.
Text: With a black pen, write very neatly: ’BioMed.’, (Your name) and Nollan.
Decoration: Centered on your sign, you should add a 3-dimensional double stranded DNA α-helix with six random base pairs. Made from a material of your choice.
Cord: So that you can wear your sign around your neck, attach a durable cord to it.
Facility: You must tie one end of a 10-cm piece of cord to your sign, so the cord hangs freely. To this you will later attach something that makes noise. It’s vital that Faddrarna can always hear you while on Campus.
Note! You must not forget that your sign must be waterproof, fireproof and make noise.
Here we leave you a few examples for you to get an idea of the basics and how it could look. However add your own sparkle and make it unique we wanna see your artistic side!!